Looking to switch between coloured pencil brands? 

You’re In For Our Great British Art Party!

Thank You for Booking Your Ticket! 

You’ll find an email confirmation in your inbox plus a ticket with your unique QR code, which will grant you entry on the day.

There’s some very important information below, so please don’t skip ahead. Scroll down to keep reading.

If you’d like to be able to come back to this page, please bookmark it. You’ll also be able to find all of this information in the email I’ve sent you.

Save the Date!

I’ll be sending out reminders closer to the time, but make sure you’ve added the Great British Art Party to your diary:

Friday 15th November 2024, 12PM – 7PM (UK time)

The event will begin promptly at 12PM. We will be welcoming guests from 11AM, so please arrive no later than 11:45AM.

Finding the Venue & Booking Your Stay

The Berystede Hotel & Spa, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9JH

If you would like to book yourstay at the venue, please email: specialevents.berystede@macdonald-hotels.co.ukor call 01506 815135


There is complimentary parking for guests who have booked directly with the hotel.

Disabled Access

Disabled access is available at the venue if needed. 

If you aren’t planning on staying at the venue and need transport to and from the hotel, we recommend arranging this in advance.*

Allergies and Special Requirements

If you have any allergies or special requirements that you haven’t already informed us of, it’s vital that you contact us to let us know as soon as possible, so we can make sure your needs are met. 

Please contact us on support@bonnysnowdonacademy.com with details of any allergies or special requirements as soon as possible, so we can make any necessary arrangements.