Learn To Draw A Fluffy Fox Cub

3 Live Draw Alongs To Help You Build Your Confidence

November 11, 2022


I am a coloured pencil expert bringing happiness and creativity to everything I do, and I believe that everything you ever wanted can be found with a pencil in your hand!

Drawing Tips
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Hi, I'm Bonny


Whether you’re new to drawing animals in coloured pencil, or you’ve got some experience but feel like your confidence is lacking, following along to one of my free Live Draw Alongs will help you learn new skills and techniques, let go of perfectionism and grow as an artist. I have done quite a few Live Draw Along sessions over the past few years. Here’s just a handful that can help you give your confidence a boost…

Draw a Cute Kitten

This one is really useful if you want to learn how to draw realistic cats quickly. I show you how to draw life-like fur and whiskers, which a lot of people struggle with, and you’ll learn how to use the indenting technique, which is invaluable when it comes to drawing realistic animals. 

This one is also great for helping you to loosen up and stop focusing on every little detail, so you can pay attention to the aspects of the drawing that really matter and save time stressing over each individual strand of fur! 

Draw a Little Lamb

It might be the wrong time of year for lambs, but it’s never the wrong time of year to learn something new! In this draw along, not only do I share my simple techniques for drawing life-like animals in coloured pencil, I also give you tips on how to get into a more positive mindset, so you can really start enjoying the time you spend drawing. Let’s face it, the more you’re enjoying drawing, the better your drawing will be! 

This one is perfect if you need that all-important confidence boost. 

Draw Nelly with Me! 

I may be a little biased, but this is one of my favourite subjects! In this session, I show you how to draw my adorable (and only slightly naughty) Newfoundland-Poodle cross, Nelly! 

If you need help drawing dogs, this one is going to be great for you. The tutorial will help you to draw realistic eyes, noses, tongues and collars, as well as teach you how to draw heavily-textured fur. 

I have lots more Live Draw Along tutorials on my YouTube channel, which you can find all in one playlist here. If you’d like to join me live for one of these sessions, make sure you’ve signed up to the Ignite Membership waitlist here. I’ve got three exclusive live sessions planned in and you aren’t going to want to miss them! 

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