5 Videos to Help You Kickstart Your Coloured Pencil Journey this Year | Top Tips

Jan 06, 2023
5 Videos to Help You Kickstart Your Coloured Pencil Journey this Year | Top Tips
It's the start of a New Year and what better way to ensure 2023 brings happiness, fulfilment and new confidence than by kickstarting your coloured pencil journey? To help give you a little push, I’ve gathered together some helpful videos to help you succeed on your road to coloured pencil success! Keep reading to start learning today…


3 Top Tips for Creating More Realistic Drawings:

Adding realism to your coloured pencil drawings can be achieved with only a few small changes. My three top tips are to not go crazy with detail, to use black and finally to make sure you add those all-important lost edges. If you want to hear more about what on earth I mean by that, then make sure to give this video a watch, as these tips will be really useful in allowing you to easily add realism to your artwork. Click on the video above to watch it now.


3 Easy Ways to Start Growing as a Coloured Pencil Artist

Developing as a coloured pencil artist can seem difficult, but it's not all about simply improving your artwork. Three areas to focus on are mindset, making sure you have the right guidance and ensuring you’re surrounded by positive and supportive like-minded people. To hear more about these three areas of development to set yourself on a successful path of growth, have a look at this video.


Tips for Managing Your Time

People often say they don’t have time to do the things that they love and drawing often falls into that category. Managing your time efficiently is important when it comes to ensuring that you’re making the most of the hours in your day, so you can make time for your coloured pencil passion. Click on the video above to hear my time management tips and ideas for making the most of your time.


How to Cope with the Ugly Stage of a Drawing

As an artist, it can be really hard to keep working through the inevitable ugly stages of a drawing because, if we are being honest, not all stages look nice and pretty! If you ever find yourself feeling like you want to stop or give up, the best thing to do is keep powering on and trusting the process. This video will tell you how I cope with those ugly stages of my drawings and how to not let your confidence drop when you hit those phases.


Improving Your Confidence to Help Reach Your Goals

Confidence is something a lot of us struggle with and although it can feel like there is no way to gain that confidence in yourself and your abilities, I am here to tell you, you can! This video will give you an idea of a couple of small, helpful changes you can make to increase your confidence and start to build positive habits, so you can reach your coloured pencil dreams. Click on the video above to start improving your confidence today!


If you really want to start your year with a bang and ignite your passion for coloured pencils, my Academy can help you. I'm welcoming new members from 3rd to 17th January 2023, and I'd love to see you there! To find out how the Ignite Membership can help you turn your coloured pencil dreams into a reality, click here


Ignite by Bonny Snowdon

...is the ultimate membership for those wanting to improve their Coloured Pencil Skills, increase their confidence and realise their dreams!


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