Books That Will Positively Impact Your Life | Book Recommendations

Jun 09, 2023
Books That Will Positively Impact Your Life | Book Recommendations

Trying to find a good book can be difficult as there are just so many options out there, so let me share some of the books I've read that have had a massive impact on the way I live my life and changed my day-to-day routine for the better.


Buy Back Your Time, Dan Mortell

I read this book on a recent trip and it was just fantastic! You've probably heard the phrase, "We all have the same 24 hours in a day and it's up to you what you do with them", and it's so true. This book offers all sorts of great tips and strategies and tells you exactly what you need to do to get your time back. If you ever sit there and think "Oh I'd love to do that but I just don't have the time", then I highly recommend you read this book, it's going to be so useful for you.


The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins

I recently found Mel and her podcast and gosh she is just brilliant! She's very straight-talking, no-nonsense and to the point which I love. This book is all about being able to do anything, even those things outside of your comfort zone by using the 5-second rule. Countdown from five and just do it. It's well worth a read if you find yourself ever struggling to take the plunge, or even just find the decision to get out of bed hard, this is going to be a fabulous book for you to add to your collection.


Atomic Habits, James Clear

Atomic to me means a couple of things, tiny but also explosive. This book is all about how to incorporate small changes into your life and routine that are going to make a huge impact and lead to bigger things.

I’m currently reading this book and loving it so much, it’s such an easy read and gives you lots of really good ideas, hints, tips, and strategies. I have already implemented some small changes to my life and it’s definitely a book I have to recommend.


Show Your Work, Austin Klean

I read the first couple of pages of this book and was immediately like "Omg this is kind of what I do". So, if you're wanting to grow your business, and build more of an awareness and following, this is going to be a really useful book for you. It's full of really interesting facts that are just straight to the point and tell you exactly what you need to do if you're wanting to successfully use social media and are trying to market your art.


What is Colour?, Arielle Eckstut and Joann Eckstut

When it comes to colour theory, I like it to be really simple and not overly complicated which is exactly why I love this book! It shares all the basics of colour theory in a very clear and easy-to-understand way, with the help of simple text and clear, useful images. So if you're just starting out with colour, and are looking for some help, this is a book I highly recommend you go and add to your bookshelf as it's going to be so helpful for you.


If you want to hear some more book recommendations, make sure to watch the video at the top of this page as I share more really impactful and helpful books!

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