Learn To Draw A Fluffy Fox Cub

One thing that people ask me all the time is how do I decide which coloured pencils to use when drawing different shades of hair and fur. There really is no straightforward answer. Picking colours is a skill that comes with practice and, while looking closely at all the different colours in an animal’s fur […]

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Learn how to draw realistic animals in coloured pencil and build your confidence with the help of these free Live Draw Along sessions.

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Find out what’s been going in coloured pencil artist Bonny Snowdon’s life as she comes to the end of a slightly chaotic October.

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Learn 3 different methods for easily drawing line art for your coloured pencil drawings.

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Learn Bonny Snowdon’s quick tips for drawing realistic textured fur on Drafting Film with coloured pencils.

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Learn Bonny Snowdon’s simple top tips for drawing more realistic animals in coloured pencil.

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Find out what’s been going on in Bonny Snowdon’s coloured pencil life this September, from the Academy reopening, her latest free challenge, her upcoming workshop and more.

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Find out which paper, pencils, erasers and sharpeners I recommend most highly for coloured pencil artists.

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Learn 3 easy ways you can start growing as a coloured pencil artist, from improving your mindset to finding the right guidance and the supportive of others.

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Find out what’s been going on in my coloured pencil life in August.

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