Learn To Draw A Fluffy Fox Cub

Find out what’s been going on in my coloured pencil life in August.

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For a motivational boost and to start feeling inspired, listen to these episodes of the It’s A Bonny Old Life podcast.

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Find out which of the Luminance Percent coloured pencils artist, Bonny Snowdon, would recommend most highly.

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Drawing animals in coloured pencils is something that has brought so much joy to my life over the past few years, and it’s been an incredible journey as I learnt new skills and discovered the techniques I need to create truly life-like animal portraits. I am now lucky, having been on this journey, to be […]

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Find out what’s been going on in my coloured pencil life in July.

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Find out which erasers and sharpeners are perfect for coloured pencil drawing.

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Find out how I decide which surface to use for the subjects I draw in coloured pencil.

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Find out what’s been going on in my coloured pencil life in June.

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Find out how to use a Slice Tool on Hot Press Paper to create more realistic coloured pencil drawings.

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Find out what equipment I have in my studio that I can’t live without, and take the guesswork out of choosing your own equipment.

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