Looking to switch between coloured pencil brands? 

Learn how to create a digital viewfinder to help you pick out the tones and values in a reference photo.

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Read my tips, showing you how to edit photos of your artwork quickly on your iPhone.

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A list of recommendations on books to read if you’re looking to gain confidence and reach your full potential in both you daily life and working life.

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Get an understanding of what my online teaching channel, Patreon, is, and how it can help you with your coloured pencil drawings.

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My thoughts on why every full time artist should have a qualified coach, and what you will get out of coaching sessions.

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A list of a few of my favourite Live Draw Along videos from my YouTube channel. They’re nice and long, so can take up a whole afternoon and keep you busy.

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A few tips that I find useful when it comes to getting into the right mindset and staying positive, in hopes that no man will get left behind.

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A few of my top tips to help you get the most out of your social media marketing, and improve your engagement and increase your following…

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A list of a few of my favourite artists and photographers, sure to get you feeling inspired, motivated, and put a smile on your face.

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My step-by-step guide to managing criticism and using it to your advantage, to help you grow, improve, and continue learning as an artist, without losing heart…

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I’ll send you drawing tips, useful techniques, colour recipes and even tutorials so you can learn something new every week!

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